Monday, April 30, 2007

6 Dangerous Characteristics of other Marketing Job Boards

1. Most Other Job Boards Only Post Ads for Employers Who Pay to Post There. Think about this for a minute. If a job board is only posting positions for companies that are paying to post their jobs there, how many positions do you think the job board is going to have? Essentially this means that you are going to be at the whim of how well the job board markets and whether or not the employers they market to have enough money to post ads-or are willing to do so. That is the reason why other job boards have less than 5% of the jobs that are on MarketingCrossing. Are we making sense yet?

MarketingCrossing does not charge employers to post jobs. In fact, it goes one step further by having a staff of more than a hundred full-time employees who do nothing but research the market and put the jobs they find on our site at no cost to employers. In addition, we contact employers and ask them to post their jobs with us, and because we are not charging them to do so, they almost always post jobs with us when they have jobs.

2. Most Other Job Boards Are Not Specialized. When a job board is not specialized, you get a smattering of everything. You may find some marketing jobs, but you will not find even a fraction of the jobs that are out there. Most job boards are not specific, and for that reason, they are primarily a waste of your time.

All we do at MarketingCrossing is post marketing jobs. We are extremely good at this. Because we are so specialized, we know everywhere we can find the jobs, and we know every employer who can offer them. Our efforts are focused. We are also a company that specializes exclusively in the marketing industry. We have numerous marketing professionals working for us. In addition, we are a content-based organization that writes extensively about the marketing world. Accordingly, we are in touch with what is going on.

3. Most Other Job Boards Are Not Run by Serious Organizations. Many job boards are small organizations. They may be run as small side businesses. They may be run by people who have nothing to do with the marketing industry. Is this who you want to trust your career to?

MarketingCrossing is a serious organization. In addition to scores of researchers, we have more than thirty computer programmers, numerous writers, and others. As a consequence, our site has the strength in the market to go out and find tons of jobs and get them from employers. MarketingCrossing exists for you, and we are very serious about what we do.

4. Most Other Job Boards Do Not Work. The most serious issue with many job boards is that they simply do not work. The reason for this is clear: On most job sites, you are only seeing a small fraction of the jobs that are available in the market. You may apply for jobs on the site, but you will get no results.

Each day, many marketing professionals report to us that they have found positions through MarketingCrossing. Having access to all of the jobs in the market at one time makes a giant difference. Thousands of testimonials are on the MarketingCrossing website.

5. Most Other Job Boards Do Not Allow You to Monitor What is Really Going on in the Market. Most other job boards simply put the jobs on their sites that advertisers are willing to pay for. This results in a limited number of positions on these sites. Sure, you can sign up for job updates if you like and receive some jobs each day. Notwithstanding this fact, these sites will never actually show you everything that is actually going on in the market.

Most MarketingCrossing members have joined our site for the simple reason that they want to always know what is going on in the market. You deserve to know if you are in demand, what the salary range is for your position, and what is going on across the country (or world). You also deserve to know when your dream job comes up; it could be any day on MarketingCrossing. If you are not a member, you could miss it.

MarketingCrossing has more than a hundred researchers, extremely sophisticated monitoring technology, and other tools to ensure that we show you exactly what is going on in the market at all times. We go to great lengths for MarketingCrossing members and collectively spend more than 1,200 hours a day, six days a week, doing research on your behalf. The result is that we can show you just about everything going on in the world of marketing at one time. Try that with an ordinary job board.

6. Most Other Job Boards Are Nonexclusive. With most job boards, anyone with an Internet connection can apply to a job on the site. In fact, on most job boards, an employer advertising a position for a marketing executive will likely get applications from cooks, engineers, and others who have nothing to do with the marketing profession. In addition, on nonexclusive job sites, employers are often overwhelmed with applications, and this makes it much more difficult for you to stand out.

In order to apply for positions on MarketingCrossing, we require that people be subscribers. The vast majority of our positions come directly from employer websites (more than 750,000), where, for the most part, the only people applying to the marketing positions are MarketingCrossing members, as these positions are not advertised. Most of these employers will believe you were interested in their companies and simply went to their websites (without MarketingCrossing) and saw they had advertised openings in marketing. They will be flattered. Employers also like MarketingCrossing because they know they are only going to get a limited number of applicants compared to other sites.

Because MarketingCrossing finds jobs and charges membership fees to see these jobs, our members have far fewer people to compete with when applying for jobs. Being part of an exclusive site makes a gigantic difference and provides you with a huge edge that simply does not exist with other sites. When you join MarketingCrossing, you stand out.

6 Most Dangerous Trends

Legal Jobs, Legal Job Board

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